
For Trinity, and for many other colleges and universities, going coed was a matter of survival. 当 西奥多·戴维奇·洛克伍德48年 7月1日成为总统, 1968, 他面临着三大挑战:重新审视和修改课程, 改善学院的财政状况, 决定博彩平台网址大全能否继续作为一所男子学院蓬勃发展. Dean of the Faculty Robert Fuller immediately took the lead in assessing the option of admitting women, writing a recommendation that persuasively argued for including women in the student body. 面对申请人数下降和学校男女同校的浪潮, the future was clear: the college would need to move quickly to admit top women candidates ahead of its competitors.  

69岁的柯克·马克瓦尔德是少数几名被选为 洛克伍德在1968年秋天召集的男女同校委员会. “的 impetus was for a small college to maintain its standing and attract both good professors and great students,马克瓦尔德回忆道, 现在是加州环境协会的创始人和负责人. “最大的问题是董事会是否会同意. 有几次很有意思的会面. 在波士顿郊外的一次会议上,一些受托人需要被说服 迈出这一步并不意味着一个有意义的足球项目的结束. 虽然我们都想有一个好的足球节目,但这似乎是一个荒谬的观点. 这对体育项目有什么影响? 很明显, it didn’t affect it other than ironically over the years the female athletic program accelerated and brought credit to the college.” 

写在 三一三脚架 “里面” , David Sarasohn, 1971年,当时的专题编辑 三脚架 (现在是前者 编辑专栏作家 在俄勒冈州的), 我是这么说的:Compelling as the purely academic reasons … the social necessity may be even more important.他接着说, “… the state of extracurricular activities at the college is lamentable” and that on “Friday and Saturday nights about half the campus flings itself at illegal speeds” toward campuses with women “while the other half sulks in the dormitory and feels sorry for itself.” 

Women had actually made their way to campus as graduate students as early as the 1920s. 四十多年后, 1969年春天, the first female undergraduates came to Trinity through an exchange program with Vassar College. That “it is so unremarkable in my mind, it shows that it was no big deal,马克瓦尔德回忆道. “的y were smart, talented people who had great ideas and contributed well to discussions.” 

1973年的乔伊斯·克里尼斯基是其中之一 1973届的106名一年级女生, 还有49名女转校生, 前大学档案保管员彼得·纳普在他1965年的权威著作中提到了这些数据, 二十世纪的博彩平台网址大全. “进入博彩平台网址大全的竞争非常激烈,克里尼斯基回忆道, 一位后来成为房地产经纪人的教师. “的y actually sent a letter to the parents in which they talked about how they took only one in every 10 women.” 

克里尼斯基说,她记得那里气候恶劣. “If you walked into the dining room hall alone for dinner, you would get audibly booed,” she recalls. “一些事情让校园里的一些男人感到真正的痛苦. 他们在院子里举行了一场抗议露宿的活动这在 哈特福德报.” 

Jan Gimar ' 73指出,一些高年级学生对此表示反对. “有些人只想让一切回到过去的样子, 但幸运的是,这种情况并不普遍,吉玛说。, 他的职业生涯是什么 他是美国童子军的主管 

不仅仅是学生. “I think there were a number of faculty who had been accustomed to operating in single-sex situations who were a little bit taken aback,萨拉索恩回忆道.  

在Gimar的例子中, he sought a coed school; indeed, 如果博彩平台网址大全仍然实行男校制,他就不会申请了. “我希望那里有女人,他说, looking back with fondness on the tight-knit group of women and men in his Wheaton dorm. 

73岁的律师艾莉森·阿德勒(Alyson Adler)回忆起男女同校的宿舍生活时,既幽默又亲切. 她回忆说 women living in the residence halls in 1969 found ways to work around bathrooms designed for men and enjoyed the open access among the genders. “任何时候都没有任何障碍可以阻止一个男人在这里闲逛. 从各个方面来说,这都是一个男女混合宿舍。”她说. “很多男女同校的学校并没有走得那么远. … Trinity embraced coeducation very fully compared with other schools that went coed at the time.” 

虽然阿德勒还记得校园里存在的性别歧视,但她并不觉得这很严重. “在课堂上,我从未感到被边缘化或被吓倒. 我被我的教授和同班同学接受了. 我感觉很舒服,”她说. 

克里尼斯基说,她考虑过转学,但决定留下来. “随着时间的推移,我结交了朋友,也变得越来越快乐. 尽管有些教员会给我带来挑战,但我喜欢我在学术上的位置.”  

时间和数字也有利于男女同校. “Most of us who came in with the freshman class in 1969 were distressed and worried because so many girls left after that first year,吉玛回忆道。, 谁现在是1973届的副主席. And while the college doesn’t have statistics to verify the number of women who transferred, 每年都有新的女学生. “每年情况都会好转,因为女孩们得到了增援. 到大四的时候,这些数字产生了影响.”  

科妮莉亚"科妮"索恩伯格,80年, 她现在是学院董事会的第一位女主席, 敬畏地回顾博彩平台网址大全的第一批女性学生. 这些早期的女性学员都是行为工程师, 尽管我怀疑他们会这样称呼自己,索恩伯格说。. 1976年,当我作为一名大一新生来到这里时,那时我还被称为一名新生男人- - - - - -对厕所配置的担忧转向了其他更有意义的问题. 这牵涉到教育法第九条, 运动队必须分配资源, 全是男性的兄弟会想方设法让女性融入他们的社交生活, 课堂讨论的范围更广了, 甚至连课程也开始纳入新的标题,比如性别研究. 

“很容易把这些事件称为进化或明显的自然过程, but I would suggest introducing women on campus some 50 years ago into our now almost 200-year history was a grand experiment in behavioral design that has transformed the essence of the college,索恩伯格说。. 

That transformation has led not only to women students accounting for half of the student body and almost half of the faculty but also to women at the very top echelons of the college. 自2014年起担任董事会主席, 该校的第一位女校长, 乔安妮Berger-Sweeney, 同年开始掌舵. 学生自治协会(SGA)目前由一名女学生领导, Schnadig家庭学者 克里斯蒂娜 德国美诺公司的19.  

Berger-Sweeney believes that these women leaders have provided a critical new lens for the college. “It is clear that women bring new perspectives when they assume an executive leadership role in an organization that historically has been led by men,她解释道. “研究表明,女性通常被认为更有抱负, 善解人意, 授权他人, 作为领导者更有合作精神. 如果你问校园选民, 他们可能会说我强迫我们的教员, 工作人员, 学生们也应该少些防备, 更多的合作, 更有创造力——在做重要决定时敢于冒险. I also think that they would view my leadership at Trinity as less hierarchical and more inclusive in practice, 不仅仅是修辞上的包容. 我也会问一些以前在公司里没人问过的问题.” 

例如, one of Berger-Sweeney’s first moves as president was to narrow in on how sexual misconduct was handled on campus. 探讨所涉及的问题, 她组织并领导了博彩平台网址大全防止不当性行为特别工作组. “的 task force led us to revise and clarify policies and to consider other issues that affect campus climate. I collaborated with College Chaplain Allison Read and the Office of Student Life to initiate the Campaign for Community. 这场运动使学生领袖有能力建立一个更强大的, 更包容的校园社区,让他们的同龄人负起责任. 的 work of the campaign also helped to shape many of the student life initiatives in our strategic plan, 峰会,她解释道. 

在学生会层面, Miele是女性开拓者之一, 她是博彩平台网址大全第七任女学生会主席. “It’s a little intimidating when working with administrators and making sure I’m taken seriously by the student body,米勒说。, 反思性别如何影响她的角色. “这是一种想法,但我尽量不让它成为一个问题. 总有更多的事情要做. I think it’s always important to keep the dialogue open when it comes to sexual harassment, 身体羞辱, 以及女性赋权. 总有改进的余地.” 

How women think about themselves is uppermost in Berger-Sweeney’s mind when she muses on the impact of women leaders at Trinity and the women students who look to them as role models. “我确实希望能激励我们的女学生去帮助别人。. “I think women can form networks and try and make things better for the women who come behind them. 如果我能对这里的女性产生一点影响, 以身作则,让他们对自己的能力更有信心, I feel that I would have made a significant difference at Trinity and in higher education.” 

While Trinity’s coed pioneers did not have many women role models here when they arrived in 1969, they have watched—and participated in—the college’s evolution as a welcoming environment for women. 尽管在某些方面,她对1969年迎接她的气氛感到不安, 克里尼斯基开始真正爱上了这所大学. 这是她第三次担任班级主席, 是否担任过其他校友高管职位, 并已连续30多年向学院捐款. 

我认为让人们知道我们没有这样做是非常重要的 愉快地走进赞美和喜爱的怀抱. 那是一种充满敌意的气氛,”克里尼斯基说. “But it changed, and we changed, and [our experience] helped shape us and helped shape the college.” 


Female 博彩平台网址大全 student with books leaving Mather Hall at registration time, 1969.